Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

First of Many: Rosh Chodesh and V Day

I know I know I know. I get busy, I forget my blog. I piss off my family and friends.

Ok, so here's the first update.

Monday night was our first meeting of the cast of the HUC 2006 production of The Vagina Monologues. It was also Rosh Chodesh Shvat (the first of the Hebrew month of Shvat). The 19 of us met in Tamuz's apartment (the director of the show) and had wine, chocolate and a short Rosh Chodesh ceremony where we talked about our female ancestors (our moms, grandmothers, aunts etc.) and then spoke about women who inspire, motivate and make us think. I spoke about my favorite professor from Maryland, Max Grossman, who is, G-d willing, expecting a baby very soon. She is such a huge role model of mine (not to mention one of the reasons I'm here- she wrote my recommendation letter!)

Afterwards we talked about why each of us decided to audition for the show. Some people told stories, others shared painful memories, and all us listened. It was very powerful. Personally, I auditioned when I was in college and hadn't been cast. For lots of reasons, which I won't get into, I was really hurt that I hadn't been cast. I had sort of figured that I would never get to be in the show, which I had reluctantly accepted. And yet, here I am, acting and producing the show! I guess there's some truth to the saying "Everything works out in the end, and if it hasn't worked out, then it isn't the end." Looks like this is the end of this for me.

Oh, did I mention that? I am one of the producers of the show, along with my friend Jess, a cantorial student. We are in charge of all of the logistical details of the show, including the location, set, lighting, costumes, music and anything else that might need to be done to ensure a smooth and successful production. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm up for the challenge. We only have four weeks to put together the whole show- it's going to be a busy month!

The show is Thursday, March 2nd at HUC. The cool part about being part of a show like this is that I know there are productions going on all of the country and world (1115 communities in 54 countries). HUC is also putting on productions on our Los Angeles and New York campuses.

For more info on the Monologues and V Day 2006, check out

Update #2 on it's way...Shavuah Tov...Love to everyone reading!


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