Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back to School: Semester II.

The first week of second semester is almost over so I figured that this would be a good time to update about my new classes and the highlights of the semester. Enjoy!

*One block (90 minutes) of regular modern Hebrew with Zohara, the best teacher in the world. *One block of Chadashot- News with Hannah. The class looks to be challenging both in terms of learning a large vocabulary and the "newspaper" language and having a new teacher who is known for being tough. Her favorite phrase is "read like an Israeli!"
*One block of Rabbinic Literature- we now have this class twice a week- we're working on a Mishnaic Text called Pirkei deRebbe Natan- it's basically in the same category as Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers) but wasn't put into the Mishna. We did one sugyah (verse) already and it was pretty interesting and somewhat challenging. Looks to be a good class.
*One block of Liturgy taught by the same teacher as Rabbinic Lit, Moshe. All and all, I think he's a very good teacher- he's JTS trained, but has a great liberal perspective on text and liturgy. This semester I'll be working on a liturgy paper or project either creating/reclaiming a ritual not done in the Reform community or writing about an element of prayer that I find interesting/exciting etc.
*After school on Sundays I have a voice lesson with Jay Shir, my wonderful and often hysterical voice teacher.

*One block of Shacharit (morning) service led by my classmates in our Reform Liturgy Workshops. My service is on February 6th and my friend Rachel is giving the dvar Torah that day too! The two of us are also leading a Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday night) service together in March.
*One block of Modern Hebrew.
*One block of Biblical Grammar with Yossi Leshem, King of Dikduk (grammar). His first class was a little scary, mostly because I realized what I had forgotten (or just never learned) from first semester. But he has a very warm personality and was very patient. He's a superstar.
*A free block! Yay! For going to the gym, doing homework, having lunch with friends etc.
*After school on Mondays we have Rabbinic Forum- usually speakers or panels on all sorts of topics related to becoming Rabbis, issues we'll have to face etc. We also have Rabbinic reflection groups- five Rabbnical students meet with two faculty members once a month to reflect on whats being going on and to dialogue about "Ayecha?" "Where are you?"

*First thing, there is a special minyan for Shacharit being led by my Rabbinic Lit and Liturgy teacher, Moshe. He's leading a minyan using Rinat Yisrael, the Israeli Orthodox prayerbook that we're learning liturgy from. It's a learners minyan which means that he will be teaching about the "classical- traditional" liturgy as we're praying it.
*One block of Rabbinic literature with Moshe.
*One block of Modern Hebrew.
*A free block!
*One block of History. This semester I am taking an Israeli Politics class with Paul Liptz, who I had last semester. We will be learning all about the Israeli Political system and following the upcoming elections (march 28). Part of the class involves reading the newspaper (or a few newspapers) and following a certain party throughout election season. I think this might be one of the most useful classes I'll take.
*Tuesday night's from 8-10pm I have rehearsal with the HUC community Hallel Choir.

*Israel Seminar all day.

*One block of Modern Hebrew.
*One block of Bible with a new teacher, David Weisberg from Cincinnati. Haven't had the class yet, but am hoping it's gonna be good. After last semester, anyone is better.
*One free block
*My enrichment "elective" class. I'm taking Daily Nusach with a Cantor who came to HUC for his "year-in-Israel" and never left. He's now a cantor at one of the Reform Congregations in Jerusalem. I'm very excited for this class.

*Every other week I volunteer at the Tali Bayit V'Gan Elementary school in Jerusalem, teaching music and playing Shabbat songs.

Wow. It's a full week and looks to be an even fuller semester. Big things to watch out for:
Feb 6- my service
Feb 21-23 Galil tiyul (class trip)
March 2- Vagina Monologues (which I'm co-producing)
March 10- my service #2
March 26-30 Ride 4 Reform!

I don't know that I can think past that. I'm still sick, fighting a cold that is determined to keep me down. I'm relaxing in bed for a little while before getting up to do some homework and see some friends.

I'll soon be posting about the RIDE 4 REFORM and the many ways to help me raise money for this amazing cause!

Love to everyone reading...more to come soon.


At 8:12 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Who is Paul Liptz

At 4:01 AM, Blogger Barbara's Blog said...

wow - you sure are a busy girl - but it sounds like an amazing line-up of classes! b'hatzlacha! xo


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