Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Books, Part II.

I finished My Sister's Keeper last night. Wow. I totally did not expect the ending and I was totally overcome with emotion- luckily it was 12:30am, a fabulous time to be consumed by heavy emotions. I had a weird dream about being inside a dog kennel. I don't think it was related to the book.

It is certainly one of the most touching stories I've read in a while. I'm thinking of reading some of her other books during my "free" time this semester. (What free time?)

Achievement of the Week: Went to the gym 4 times last week AND this week. Yay me!

Colloquium ended today. I was kind of annoyed that we had school on Friday, but overall its been a motivating and stimulating few days. I'm mostly enjoyed catching up with people that were in the states over break. I've had a realization that if I just chilled out a little bit and wasn't so overly critical of people, I might like them a little more. Zehu.

Matt's fiance Jen is back in J'lem. She and I met at camp a bunch of summers ago, and is one of the funniest sweetest people I know. It's also nice to have a friend outside the HUC bubble for coffee and such.

Speaking of camp, here's the official announcement: I just accepted a position at Harlam for summer 2006. Doing what? Well, you'll have to wait until I get the final go-ahead to find out. But it's set, I'm thrilled and it's a good feeling to have some sort of plans after I leave here.

Classes start on Sunday- it's a whole new ballgame. New schedule, new classes, new teachers. I'm especially excited for my "Chadashot" (News) class and a new Bible teacher. And I'm taking nusach.

I'm going to try and clean my room and get showered and dressed for Shabbat. Hope it's a restful one for you and yours.

Here's to second semester...Love to everyone reading...


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