Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Week One: Done

First and foremost: Yay me for finishing my first week of school. For some reason it's been especially busy with lunch meetings, catch-up dinners with friends and nights that don't end until midnight. Not to mention I'm leading services in a week, am co-producing a show that's in a month and am training for a bike ride that its two months. Wowie.

Today I had Bible with Prof. David Weisburg. He spoke slowly in English, somewhat faster in Hebrew and gave clear answers to questions. I found the class challenging, interesting and exciting. This is in stark contrast to last semester's Bible experience where the main goal was "stay awake and attempt to look interested while being bored out of my mind." However, I'll need to work harder this semester- that seems to be a theme in most of my classes...

I also had my first Nusach class with Cantor Evan Cohen. It turned out to be a sort of "How to be a songleader/service leader" class, which I don't need to take so much. Sad. But he said we'd be moving to nusach next week. Goody. We're also going to be working on High Holy Day liturgy and nusach to prepare us for the near-future when we'll be leading HHD services, possibly alone. Possibly next year. Gulp.

And tonight is Thursday night, the best night of the week, the beginning of the blessed weekend. I'm going to a sushi fundraiser at Pardes (100 NIS buys you all the sushi you can eat) and then to see RENT, which finally is out in theatres here. I've heard mixed things. I'll let you know what I think tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Volunteering in the morning, hopefully grocery shopping in the early afternoon, services at Shira Chadasha and some major moosh time.

I've started a new book: Rashi's Daughters by Maggie Anton. I'm LOVING it so far and am always amazed when the clock reads 1:13am. Hopefully Shabbat will give me some time to read. Hah. Or do the tons and tons of homework I have to do for next week. Whichever.

But for now, it's the weekend. I'm off to enjoy my 48 hours of to everyone reading! Um, no comments on my amazing cute and precious nieces?


At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is beautiful!!!
mazel tov on finishing week #1!!
let me know how the book is!
xo, B


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