Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Today is the 24th birthday of my wonderful, sweet roommate Lauren. We've known each other since we were 16 years old and on the same NFTY regional board. We live really well together and she makes my life here even better. Not to mention that her gingi Israeli boyfriend Alon is constantly fixing something in our apartment- I don't know how I would live without them and HER. Essentially, I adore her and am really happy that we live together.

Yom Huledet Sameach lashutafah sheli she'ani mamash ohevet!

Feel free to leave Lauren a birthday message on her blog.

A quick note about me: yes, I'm feeling much better thanks to the antibiotics and various vitamins. I'm almost back to my usual self and even made it to the gym today! I have Rabbinic Literature to finish, History to start, Bible to continue working on and Biblical Grammer and Cantilation to make up from last week. It's going to be a busy evening. Better get started. Love to all who are reading!


At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you get my email?
i am glad you are feeling better - good luck with all the work


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