Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

La la la la la la la Life is Wonderful

If you don't recognize the title of this post, stop reading, get in a car and don't stop driving until you have bought Jason Mraz's new album- Mr. A-Z. It's fabulous- my favorite songs are "Geek in the Pink" and "Clockwatching."

Why is life wonderful? Because today after a month of waiting and being very frustrated, our Globy (Vonage) was finally set up! Yay! What is vonage, you ask? Basically, I have received (bought) an American phone number that I can use through the internet to dial other US numbers- and you can call me too? How do you get the number? Send me an email and I will send it to you right away!

In honor of having a phone that works, I decided to rearrange the furnature in my room, put away my laundry, clean and take some pictures. So here they are! You can see my bed, desk, mirpeset (porch) and hammock (it's really Lauren's hammock, but I get to lay on it too) and the front of our door. The little sign says "Four (we are apartment #4)- Welcome to the apartment of Pack and Perolman" We made it ourselves!

Lauren is away for Shabbat but will be back in time for Havdallah- we are hosting our kitah (class) for dessert and Havdallah on Saturday night- it should be a good time! I'm eating Shabbat dinner at Elana and Claire's apartment and am making a tofu/brown rice/vegetable/ cheese dish.

Last wonderful thing: VACATION! During our week off from school I'm going to be driving down to Eilat with three of my closest friends for some R & R in the sun (and NO hebrew!) I'm really looking forward to getting away for a few days and mentally resting and preparing myself for the semester. I haven't been to Eilat since I was on my NFTY-in-Israel trip when I was 16. the best part is that when we come back I'll still have four days to get ready for school- buy more school supplies, get some new clothes etc.

I'll end with the words of Mr. Mraz: "La la la la la la life is wonderful, La la la la la la life goes full circle." Ahavah l'kol anashim mi korim (Love to all who are reading...)


At 11:03 PM, Blogger Rena said...

i dont recognize the lyrics.
am i a failure?


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