Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The 3 L Challenge

In an attempt to improve our health, hydration and overall well-being, Lauren and I are taking on a challenge- To consume 3 liters (96 oz) of water each and every day. Lauren will be participating with the help of her new camel backpack (it has a water-filled pouch inside the backpack and a tube that lets one drink while walking.) I will be using good-'ole Nalgene bottles of various colors (see below.)

Luckily, the 12-16 hour days, plethora of salty foods and 100-degree temperatures will only help us as we strive for high grades in ulpan and a high level of water-consumption. (Yes, this is how over-achievers handle dehydration...we create competition, friendly competition, but competition nonetheless.)

Are you up for the challenge? From what I've heard, the east coast has been hit with record highs this summer and it's only August 1... Team Karen is already at 2 1/2 liters and its only 3pm!

In other news I'm going to eat my first "fantasy waffle" at Cafe Atara tonight with Rachel. The waffle has three kinds of ice cream, fruit salad, whipped cream, chocolate fudge sauce and nuts. I'm super excited. Until then I have flashcards to make, Eicha to learn (Lamentations- a book of the Bible read on Tisha B'Av- the Jewish day of mourning commemorating several terrible things that have happened to the Jewish people-more on that as it approaches), and grammar to learn.

I miss everyone back in my various homes...but think of you with every sip of water I take. And from now on, I'll be thinking of you a lot. Love to all who are reading...


At 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny you should be taking on the hydration challenge! While studying for the MCAT today I learnt all about how the body responds to dehydration by releasing the hormone ADH which causes the collecting duct in the kidneys to open up their water channels so that water can be reuptaken (is that a word?) back into the blood. So there you go! Keep up the great blogging!

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so in...consider me a worthy opponent. and just in time...i just aquired a new nalgene. let the peeing begin!


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