Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Reflections on Tisha B'Av

In my last post I promised to expound on my Tisha B'Av experience here in Jerusalem. And I'm not one to go back on my promises. So here we go:

In short: Tisha B'Av is the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av- on this day, numerous terriable things have happened to the Jewish people throughout history including the destruction of the first and second Temples. It is customary to fast from food and other pleasures on this day and truly lament over these trageties. The book of Eicha (Lamentations) is also read.

After chanting Eicha at HUC, a bunch of us walked into the Old City. (the Jewish quarter of the old city of Jerusalem) The Old City has many remains from the Second Temple period including the Kotel, a wall from the Second Temple area. The Kotel is one of the holiest sites in Jerusalem- many people who live here visit the Kotel weekly or daily and most tourists visit is as well. I remember seeing pictures of my parents from their honeymoon near the Kotel and I have a small collection of photos of me near it as well. It is also a custom to slip notes into the cracks in the wall.

It was very crowded walking through the Old City especially as we got closer to the Kotel. Remember how I said that one is supposed to lament on this day? Well people were literally lamenting- crying, sitting on the ground reading from Lamentations or Psalms, women and children sleeping on the Jerusalem stone. It was like nothing I have ever seen. Most of the resturants and shops that would have been open on Saturday night were closed in respect of the day.

Since we were warned about being in over-crowded places, we only stayed for about 30 minutes- absorbing the atmosphere and seeing all the people- so many Jews all remembering the same events at the same time in the same place. We mourned the destruction of the Temple at the foot of the Temple's ruins- the same ruins that I pass every week on my way to the shuk, the same ruins I can see from the window of the sanctuary at HUC- It was truly overwhelming.

I had never thought about my personal Tisha B'Av observances, but as with so many things, this is my year to think about them! I chose to fast because I love to eat, and not eating certainly makes me help differ this day from all the others. I broke the fast with Lauren, David and Julia at our weekly Sunday night dinner and I realized that part of remembering what was destroyed is the opportunity to rebuild. Ourselves, our communities, our relationships with other people and other parts of our lives that might have been somehow destroyed over the past year. I thought a lot on this day- it was exactly what I needed after a very social four days with Jess and friends.

Overall, I enjoyed my first Jewish observance and am very excited to literally "live" the Jewish calendar- next up...Rosh HaShanah which won't come until the first week in October. Can't wait for some special people to celebrate Chanukah with me when they come to visit!

A preview of my next post: saying goodbye to the interns (and the summer), vacation plans and living the news of the disengagement. Don't worry, I'm being very safe and having a great time. Love to all who are reading...


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