Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Best Shabbat Ever

After a crazy week of ulpan, classes, studying, Thursday's tiyul (trip) around Jerusalem, Thursday evening's Beit Cafe and Friday's trip to Tel Aviv, I was in serious need of Shabbat- 25 hours to rest, relax and reflect. I also needed to catch up on my sleep and healthy eating habits (I mean I think that rugalah (a chocolate pastry dessert) is appropriate breakfast food or lunch food...)

I got back from Tel Aviv around 3:30pm on Friday which gave me just enough time to clean my room & apartment, shower, call the states for a pre-Shabbat chat with my Mom, get dressed and walk to Joe & Neil's for candlelighting. Rachel, Jen, Joe, Neil, Claire, Elana and I then walked to one of my favorite synagogues, Kol Hanishama. KN is one of Israel's "Progressive" (Reform) Synagogues. It's off Emek Refamin in Baka which is about a 20 minute walk from Rechavia where most of us live.

Not only are the services at Kol Hanishama amazing, but I love the Rabbi. His name is Levi Weiman Kelman and he is the brother of Na'amah Kelman who is the director of our Year-In-Israel program at HUC. He leads with such passion and helps everyone person feel the Shabbat spirit. He's always encouraging everyone to take a "nishama amukah- a deep breath" which helps everyone connect to the prayers and the experience in general.

I also love KN because you're bound to run into someone you know. Sitting in the row ahead of me was one of my former youth-groupers from Temple Micah in Washington DC- Arielle Mishkin! (Her dad is Doug Mishkin for those in the Jewish music scene) She was a freshman when I was her advisor and she's about to be a SENIOR- Am I getting old or what? I also saw a handful of my classmates who I always love seeing outside of school.

After services we walked back to Joe & Neil's for a chill Shabbat dinner complete with one of Joe's famous cold soups- this week he made potato and leek soup which was *amazing*. Claire, Elana and Rena came over for dessert, wine and singing which always go well together! Full of wine and rugalach, I had one of the best night's sleep that I can remember.

Saturday morning a group of us went to services at HUC beacaue three of the Cantorial students were singing- Tiffani, Rollin and Raina were simply amazing and I was so inspired by them. They are the first of the class to lead services and I was so impressed by their pose and presence. I can't wait until its my turn!

After a long nap this afternoon, I went back to Joe & Neil's for Havdallah (the ceremony that separates Shabbat from the week) (yes I know I spend a lot of time at their apartment- they are super-cool guys) (yes I know I also sleep a lot) (It's my one day to sleep, ok?)

Now it's a little after midnight and I need to start my Hebrew homework for tomorrow- I also have to finish my third L of water for the day! All in all, the perfect Shabbat. Can't wait for next Shabbat when Jess will be here!

Have a wonderful Sunday and week- love to all who are reading!


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