Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pre-Tiyul Post

So what's more fun than missing school for a week, then having a 4-day week and then having a 4-day tiyul?

Oh yes, having 10 days off from day for Pesach Break after that. Can you see my smile from where you're sitting? It's HUGE! No school until April 23rd! Wahooooooooo!

I'm about done packing for our Negev tityul where we'll visit Mitzpe Ramon, S'de Boker, Eilat, Kibbutz Yahel, sleep under the stars, hike, snorkel and enjoy a lazy, chill Shabbat. I wanna get my brother one of those Kibbutz Yahel shirts that we all got when we were here on our NFTY trips.

I'm rooming with Mel, Shayna and Rena which should prove for an enjoyable time. AND, Rena was able to download the first five episodes of L Word. Sooo excited. I bought wine and cookies. Yes, its going to be a great weekend.

I'm also looking forward to having some time with my BFFAE, Miss Alison Rachel Petok who is coming on TUESDAY! [yay yay yay yay yay!] I haven't seen her since June. There is much catching up to be done. We'll do the Pesach thing, the shopping thing, the laying-in-bed-watching-center-stage-thing and the going to Masada/Dead Sea thing.

After that It'll be time to get down to work- make-up Hebrew work, a Bible paper, biblical grammar, a liturgy paper and research on my Kadima paper. I know it doesn't sound like so much fun, but it'll be really nice when all this work is done at the end of break and I just have to worry about finals. [Finals start in about 7 weeks if you can believe it.] [I'm going/coming home in 54 days. No I can't believe it either.]

For those who are curious about my post-biking recovery, I'll just say that most of the rashes have cleared up nicely. There is almost no pain in my knees. I even went to the gym today. I feel great and am super excited for the hiking, swimming and just being in the 90-degree desert weather!

Tiyul and biking pictures to come...Chag Sameach everyone...


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