Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 3: The "Easy" Day


I am writing to you from Kibbutz Shefayim near Neyanya. It's been a exciting and busy three days. Since it's 10:15pm and we have to get up at 6am, this post will be short and hopefully they'll be time for more later.

First of all, this is not easy. Even today, on our "easy" day, we still ride about 65 kilometes (39 miles) over about 9 hours. (Sunday and Monday we did about 75 km- 50 miles) The days are long. Wake up at 6am. Breakfast at 6:30. Services at 7:15. Start biking around 8am. Breaks at 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30. Lunch at 1:30. Riding at 2:30. Breaks at 3:30, 4:30. Finish around 5:30 more or less (actually the entire schedule is more or less since the first day we had lunch at 3pm and today we had lunch at 12:30. oh well). Whenever they say we're going to be there, we usually arrive about 45 minutes after that.

I've been going to bed around 9:30 and getting about 8 1/2 hours of sleep. This, plus tons of food and water is what has gotten me through the days. Oh, and sunscreen- except yesterday I forgot my lips and now they're a little burned :(

Today, while attempting a little water stunt, I fell into a pool of water-- causing everything I was wearing to be soaking wet including my *cell phone* which was in my bike bag. It's curently drying with the hopes that it will work again soon. My shoes, shorts and biking jersey are also drying in my room.

Tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be hard days as we begin to ascend back into Jerusalem. The longest hill will be about 750 meters with several 400 meter hills along the way. Woah.

Sorry to those who have written that I haven't gotten back to yet- I must must get to sleep and let my advil kick in so I have the strength to do it again tomorrow!

Love to all and thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far! Love to everyone!


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