Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Purim Pictures Part Two

Ok, I just spent an hour trying to post the i'm going to post this and try the pictures in a little while. Until then, enjoy!

Ok, Purim, Take Two.

After spending most of Tuesday recovering from Monday night's adventures, I finally got up and dressed in time for Megillah reading at school.

I went as a red-headed Rabbinical student...or just me wearing a red wig (see pictures above)

The Megillah reading was done by our professors...dressed up of course! Eli was a wizzard of some kind, Tamar was wearing a sign that said "Laila Tov Yareach- Good Night Moon" and Naamah was a clown, I think. Rabbi Marmur's impressions of a first year student were especially entertaining.

After the reading, Mel, Sandi, Jill and I went to Joy Express for dinner and met up with Rena before getting some drinks at a bar on Rivlin. There we ran into an entire barful of HUC people...see the picture above of Neil, Claire, Rachael and myself-- Riders4Reform doing some "training."

Following the bar, a bunch of us went back to Shushan for dancing and fun. We left the bar late and woke up on Wednesday morning, er, afternoon. I did some homework, cleaned up the apartment and caught up on emails.

When I woke up on Wednesday, I received an email that the two-day encounter trip I was taking on Thursday and Friday had been cancelled. The trip was into the West Bank to visit with Palestineans in a safe environment and to learn about life on the other side of the "kav hayarok-- the green line" However, after the week's earlier incidents in Jerico, the organizers didn't feel so confident in bringing 45 Jewish tourists into the WB. Truthfully, I was not so sad as I was feeling kind of overwhelmed about schoolwork and some previous committments. The trip is supposed to be rescheduled when things calm down a bit, but I am quickly realizing that I don't have too many free weekends- between the ride, our Negev tiyul, Pesach break and finals.

Shabbat was a little busy-- I helped lead a Shabbaton for college students studying abroad- I led services, did the Torah reading and led Havdallah. I also attended the Bar Mitzvah of my friend Sean this afternoon. Plus, my usual Shabbat nap was moved so I could do history work with Rachel. I said I was going to go to bed early, but I'm not sure thats going to happen anymore.

6 days and counting until the RIDE! YAY! I can't believe it's so soon! Time to finally get to work- Shavuah Tov, Happy Weekend and love to all!


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