Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What Temple?

This morning, I joined 30 of my classmates for a guided tour of Mount Moriah aka The Temple Mount. This is the place that Jews believe the First and Second Temples stood. It was a special for us to be up there because non-Muslim tourists are only allowed on certain days and at certain times. We were only allowed today from 8:15-10:15.

If you're planning on visiting the Temple Mount, follow these easy rules:
1. Women- wear long skirts, long sleaves and cover your head.
2. Don't bring any Jewish ritual items- tallit, tefilin.
3. Dont bring any books that are written in Hebrew.
4. Stick with your guide.
5. When you ask your Palestinean guide where the Temple used to stand, don't look shocked when he says: "What Temple?"

Um...ok. I'm standing on a piece of land owned by Israel, controlled by Jordan and the Palestineans, policed by the IDF and I just had a Palestinean tell me that no Temple was ever here...only in Jerusalem.

After the tour, Lev and I went to the Kotel for a little shacharit action and then I had breakfast at Coffeeshop. I think it was the first meal all semester that I've eaten alone. It was wonderful.
Julia and I studied over lunch for our Hazal midterm on Sunday and then I went to the gym before Israel Seminar.

Tomorrow we have a makeup liturgy class and Rachel and I have service rehearsal for our Kabbalat Shabbat this Friday. After rehearsal I'm going over to Joe's for a reception/evening of learning in honor of his grandfather who passed away last week. He was one of the oldest living alumni of HUC and we'll be honoring his memory by doing some learning together and eating together- of course!

Then, I'm going to Rena's to pick up Asher, whom I'm puppysitting for this weekend- we're going to have lots of fun- long walks around the city, playtime in the park and some snuggletime.

It's been a long week- but a busy and fun weekend to come! Love to everyone!


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the Reform movement (and others)protest the lack of religious freedom for Jews on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in the world for Jews given, among other things:

2. Don't bring any Jewish ritual items- tallit, tefilin.
3. Dont bring any books that are written in Hebrew.
5. When you ask your Palestinean guide where the Temple used to stand, don't look shocked when he says: "What Temple?"

And the Holy of Holies is where the Dome of the Rock currently is. Muslims destroy the holy sites of those they conquer and build over it in order to erase the history of the conquered (in this case, both the Jews and later the Christians). Hmm, problem much?

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Hepzibah The Watchman said...

Do not worry - put your faith in
G-d for just as he restored the land to his people - so he will restore the temple of his people.


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