The Kotel all empty and clean in preparation for the Chag.

Lots of Chasidish guys burning chametz near the Kotel. I though there was a fire or something. It made the Old City smell kind of gross. What's cool about this is that I had never actiually seen people "burning" their chametz before.

This is a sign when you walk into the Jewish Quarter of the Old City reminding everyone not to bring their chametz [levened bread products] into the city. Ali and I ended up eating latkas and salad at a cafe b/c there was no bread. Turned out that only made us want bread so much more. So we went home and before the seder ate pita and hummus, tortilini and chocolate with peanut butter. Then we felt really sick.

A great sign welcoming Pesach and visiters to the Old City. Actually, this sign is all over the city. What's funny is that the pictures is of Jerusalem is made out of Matzah. Ha ha. [sorry, bad Jewish/Rabbi humor]
More pictures from Ali's visit and a post on my first Pesach as an Israeli. It was awesome. To those celebrating second seder/day in the states- Chag Sameach V'Kasher!
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