Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

You look good for 58

Yesterday was Israel's 58th Birthday. Starting Tuesday night, this country was CRAAAZY complete with Israeli flags EVERYWHERE, kids in the streets with cans of silly string and shaving cream, the LOUDEST music I've ever heard and tons of Jews from all over the world partying it up in J-town.

This is Ben Yehudah Street at the begining of the night- you can see that there are lots of people in the distance- the ENTIRE street was full of people singing and dancing and drinking, of course.

This is on Yom Haazmaut at the softball game/BBQ that we had at Kraft Family Field. From L-R: Lev, Mel, Shayna, Me, Rena and Sandi. I "womaned" the grills with Rachael and cooked lots of meat...most of which I don't think I'll ever eat again. The BBQ was quite possibly the most fun I've had in a while- good food, great friends, sunshine, Israel etc.

I am SO happy that today is Thursday aka last day of the week aka two more weeks and then finals and then I'm outta here! No really, it's bittersweet.

But between then and now I have about a hundred social events and a hundred things to do including: [actually copied from my real "to-do" list]: finish writing my Bible paper, start packing my shipping boxes, buying lots of stuff that I have wanted all year, and start packing one of these days.

But like the weeks before I came here...I'll leave the packing and saying goodbyes for later- I'm too busy enjoying my sof ha'shavua. Let the weekend begin- love to all who are still reading!


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