Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Life Catch Up

Go ahead. Vote me worst blogger ever. It's ok. I never update, and when I do, I give general updates without pictures. No wonder you're reading Pink Is The New Blog instead.

I actually have lots of say about lots of things here so I'm going to break up the thoughts into some sections. Can you tell I've been writing a lot of papers lately?

School: 12 days to go. 2 papers written, 2 more to write. 5 finals to study for a take. I really can't believe that I'm about to be 1/5 of a Rabbi. Give me an R!

Professional Life: I was chosen as #22 out of 23 students for our New York High Holy Day pulpit lottery (yes, we actually have one of those.) Sad news for Karen. I'm working on finding a myself a HHD pulpit- any ideas?

I have gotten myself a teaching job on the Upper West Side teaching 4th grade 2 afternoons a week. I'm hoping to add another afternoon/evening and some tutoring/songleading to help with the income. Anyone know of a good place to get buisness cards printed? I already looked at vistaprints.

Apparently people think I can play guitar since on Saturday night at our Artists4Darfur benefit, I led Havdallah, accompianied a cantorial student and performed. Dar Williams, I hope I made you proud. Play the greed, dar, play the greed.

Not at the March, but we still did something to support Darfur relief. We had a program at school, Artists4Darfur planned by Jill, Owen and Julia- we raised $1000 and had activism-themed performances and watched two films put out by the SaveDarfur Coalition. Despite the small turnout, I was really proud of us--

In the last two days, I have received seven social invitations- every Shabbat between now and going home is booked. Good to know I have friends. I can't believe everyone isn't coming back to New York. Gulp.

And finally...some pictures to prove to you that I'm not dead, chas v'shalom. They're both from our pre-Pesach tiyul to the desert. I'm playing guitar and hanging out with my roomies-Rena, Mel and Shayna. update: yeah, blogger isn't behaving right now. we'll try pictures again tomorrow.

More to come on the Israel High Holy Days, wrapping up here, and how you can find me once I stop writing on this [gassssssssssssp!] Sorry to say it, but I'm not sure the blogging will continue after Israel. We'll see. More to come...check back later.


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