Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Jay Shir Quotations, Part 1

Jay Shir is my voice teacher. Which is ironic because "shir" in Hebrew is song. He also directs the volunteer choir that I sing in on Tuesday nights. He is wonderful.

Jay uses metaphors to help me understand music. They entertain me so much every week that I thought I should share. Be on the lookout for more Jay Shir Quotations every Sunday.

Here are today's quotes:

"Karen, your grandmother was a hippo."
Translation: "Karen, we both know that you can take a deeper breath than that."

"Karen, please say the city you live near in the states in their originial dialect." "Bawlmore."
Translation: "I'm going to make you say stupid things for my own entertainment."

"I don't want you to throw it up there. Just get it there, but I don't want to know how."
Translation: "When singing a high note, don't spend too much time getting it there."

"Karen, there is a marked difference in your singing from the first time we met."
Translation: I think that one's self- explanatory :)

More quotes next to all who are reading!


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