London- Wednesday/Thursday

Wednesday we got up a little bit later and after breakfast at the hostel, made our way over to Buckingham Palace. We walked through the Queen's park, and stood with the rest of the tourists. And to be honest, despite all the hype, Buckingham Palace just looked like a building. We saw the famous guards and even how the royalty get from place to place!
Next we went to Westminster Abbey and saw where lots and lots and lots of important dead people are burried. Kinda cool, kinda creepy.
While looking for a left-handed store Rena (hey, no one's perfect) we found a "Fresh and Wild"- the UK branch of Whole Foods. We got soup and bread and sat at the back of the store and ate our lunch. Not only was the soup super yummy (me-pumpkin, rena-tomato) but it was really nice to be somewhere that felt like home. Living near a Whole Foods in the states last year spoiled me and truthfully, I can't wait to be there again...
After lunch we finally found the left-handed store. I never knew that stores like this existed before. They sell special pens and can openers and knives. Kinda bizzare,but Rena loved it.
We moved on to the Tower of London where lots and lots and lots of important people were detained, tortured and beheaded. Funnn. Next we took the tube to London Bridge- see pic below! We got there as the sun was setting and the air getting cold. We took a few pictures, debated about singing the song and finally moved on.

For our evening activity we ate at Wagamamas, a highly-reccomended Asian noodle resturant in London. My friend Matt (Soffer) told me that we had to eat there. So we did. The noodles were pretty good and the atmosphere reminded me of Noodles and Company (for my MD friends!).
Another Soffer reccomendation was seeing the comedy troup at The Comedy Store. The Comedy Store is where Whose Line Is It Anyway? originated. Although I couldn't understand half of what they were saying, I still thought it was great. Rena was a great sport.
Thursday was our last day of traveling before Rena's sister Sharon and Sharon's friend Ben joined us. After four days of non-stop traveling, we were in need of a little break. We slept late and headed over to Leichester Square to try and get tickets for the London Film Fesival. We got tix for "Elizabethtown," Cameron Crowe's new flic staring Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom.
When planning our trip we gave the whole day to the British Museum. It's a HUGE place- and would probably take a whole day or maybe two to get through. We saw the highlights and spent some time in the beautiful library and education center. I also picked out a couple gifts. After a mid-day Starbucks break, we headed back to the Museum for part two. My favorite exhibit was the "Tree of Life"- a tree made of dis-armed weapons. It was incredible, really.
With a few hours to kill before the movie, Rena and I decided to see what was playing at the regular movie theatre and guess what was? CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY- a movie we had both been dying to see. So we pulled a double header, ate popcorn and candy for dinner and had a grand ole time.
I loved both movies- I heard that Elizabethtowb didn't get great reviews in the states, but I thought it was pretty good. One of the highlights was that Cameron Crowe, Kirsten Dunst and Susan Sarrandon were at the premiere! It was hard to get good pictures from where we were sitting, but I managed to get a couple. It was my first big celebrity sighting!
After the movie we made out way back to the hostel, packed and got ready for our early-ish morning. A final post on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to come!
Thanks for reading! Lots of Love to all...
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