Perolman in the Promised Land

adventures in hummus, hebrew, traveling, new friends, Rabbinics, guitar and weblogging.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Weekend Update

I went biking on Friday morning- my first training ride for the Ride 4 Reform.

We started at 6:30. I got home at noon. We rode 16 miles. Apparently it wore me out.

I was asleep by 10pm on Friday night. I took a nap this afternoon. I'm still exhausted.

Shabbat was great- anti-social dinner at Rachel's, lunch at Ross and Rachael's and I got invited to a 2 year-old's birthday party for next weekend.

Tomorrow re-begins real life. We have full weeks straight through to finals. Papers, tests, divrei Torah and lots and lots of reading. Two words: bring it.

For now I'm working on my Israel seminar journal entry and my troupe for next Monday's Reform Liturgy Workshop.

I promise more London to come...lots of love...


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